

in-home Behavior reduction programming and treatment

Our behavior intervention plans are designed and structured to not only identify the underlying reason why a certain behavior is occurring, but also introduce strategies to target the reduction of that behavior. Throughout the process, we are also working with the learner and parent/caregiver/staff to increase the alternative, appropriate behaviors. All our interventions are based on the findings from our Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) process (see below).

Problem behaviors are widely acknowledged as the most challenging and stressful issues faced by parents and schools related to children with special needs. Research is clear that interventions that do not focus on positive replacement behaviors will be unsuccessful in the long-term elimination of challenging behaviors.


center-Based Behavior reduction programming and treatment

Located in the heart of Falls Church, VA, the Converge Behavioral Services Center welcomes our clients for one-on-one ABA therapy, preschool play groups, social skills programs, as well as family education workshops and parents’ night out. Our center offers an enriched social environment with highly trained RBTs and BCBAs.

At Converge, peer interaction is incorporated into each child’s treatment plan. The availability of social opportunities with peers promotes critical skills necessary for children to excel independently in a variety of social settings.

Functional behavioral Assessment (fba) and behavior intervention plan

The Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is the process of determining the cause (or “function”) of behavior before developing an intervention. FBAs are required under certain provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) when behavior becomes a factor interfering with access to educational services for a child with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). There are other circumstances where an FBA is either required or necessary to adequately serve a child in the schools.

Failure to base the intervention on the specific purpose (function) very often results in ineffective and unnecessarily restrictive procedures. A properly conducted FBA should naturally lead to the development of a clear and specific Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) that is driven by an understanding of the function (or purpose) of the behaviors of concern and that has clear and concrete interventions that are measurable.

The BIP is the actual plan created to not only decrease inappropriate or interfering behaviors, but also increase appropriate alternative behaviors.


Individual education program (iep) support

Developing a tailored program for your child’s education can be overwhelming. Guidance and support through that process from someone familiar with both the educational issues and the science behind effective interventions can be helpful. We offer consulting to parents on the development of scientifically-sound educational plans that stand the best chance of developing effective skills for their child.

We are available to review the current IEP and other treatment plans and make recommendations to you regarding refocusing, altering treatment/educational methodologies, and improvement in data collection to determine progress.

We are also available to accompany you to meetings with educational and therapy service providers to assist in presenting our analysis and recommendations in the services offered to your child. While we are not there to serve as Advocates or Attorneys, we are able to speak directly with the current service providers about our recommendations, explain our reasoning, and answer questions about practical implementation issues that arise in the process of revising the current interventions.


Collaboration with other professionals

Collaboration is also an integral part of each individual’s progress. Our consultants meet with each family regularly to share progress and discuss ways to generalize treatment in the home. We also frequently overlap and communicate with our clients’ teachers, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, physical therapists, vision and hearing specialists, as well as many other related professionals. This team approach provides the foundation for your child to generalize new skills.

Converge Behavioral Services, LLC partner with a variety of professionals across disciplines to foster a climate of:

  • Child-centered programming

  • Open and clear communication between healthcare professionals, parents and children

  • Mutual respect for each team member

  • Consistency in intervention treatment

  • Positive attitudes

  • Flexibility in scheduling for children and their parents

  • Problem-solving


curriculum assessments

Our treeatment plans are based on standardized tools and individualized to target skill areas including: communication, pre-academic, academic, daily living, vocational, recreational/leisure, social, and behavioral.

The following assessments are commonly used within our practice:


  • AFLS


All effective ABA programs are based on systematic evaluation of the child’s abilities and the development of a structured treatment program.


family and caregiver training

Our staff is trained to identify areas of need for each family member, as well as adults working with any given individual. Parents, caregivers, and all adults working with the learner will be trained on basic ABA techniques and procedures.

The primary objective of our training is educating parents, caregivers and staff to improve the quality of services that the child is receiving across environments.

Family and Caregiver Training typically consists of:

  • Demonstration and modeling

  • Hands-on training

  • Providing feedback

  • Working as a team to problem solve and address behavior challenges